Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 1

So we have been playing with the idea of starting a blog about the our ridiculous events that take place in our household by our pets. I kept going back and forth about the idea until about an hour ago.. I was sitting at the table eating dinner thinking about what I was going to do tonight since Cody was on shift and then I realized that Jugs had been let out back and I didn't see him waiting impatiently at the back door as he normally does. Then one by one the thoughts connected. We had our yard serviced, he uses the back gate, crap he probably left it open and Jugs ran out. Yep, I was right. So here I go running out the front door half dressed calling his name. No dog in sight. I hop in the car since that seems to be the only way to entice him to come home. "Jugs!" I am yelling through my window driving 5mph, my neighbors probably think I'm nuts. So at last I see him. Covered in sludge, looking about as happy as a lab could ever look. Yes, you got it, he was in the retention pond. Now he is sound asleep, probably dreaming of turtles, frogs, and birds..